A Place of Belonging that leads to a Place of Blesssings
The Boulevard Church of Christ started out as the West Shelby Drive Church of Christ. A small number of people gathered for the first worship service in a frame house on Shelby drive in southwest Memphis on January 31, 1971. Edward Carey became the first full time Minister on May 28, 1971. He served the Church with distinction for almost 10 years. It was under his leadership in December of 1975 that a new worship facility was dedicated on Shelby drive.
In June of 1983, Olu Shabazz began his ministry as full time evangelist of the congregation. It was under his leadership that the move was made to the present facilities on Elvis Presley Boulevard. The first worship service was held on May 25, 1985 in the new facilities. West Shelby drive officially became the Boulevard Church of Christ. Brother Shabazz's distinguished ministry with the congregation continued for 12 years.
On the first Sunday in March in 1995 William Jones became evangelist and minister for the congregation. Having enjoyed a long and successful ministry with the Reynolds Street Church of Christ in Rochester, NY, Brother Jones took up the mantle and continued the work of Kingdom building in and through the life of the congregation until December 31, 2016. After 22 years of service with the Boulevard Church of Christ, Bro. Jones resigned as minister on December 31, 2017, to accept the full time ministry for the Greece Road Church of Christ in Rochester, NY.
On January 1, 2017 Bro. W. Michael Jackson became the full time minister of the Boulevard Church of Christ. Prior to accepting this ministry Bro. Jackson served as a deacon. He was later ordained as an elder and still serves in that capacity as well as the Minister of Education. Bro Jackson has been a faithful and active member of the Boulevard since 1986.